Types of Witnesses – Expert Witness
Expert witnesses play a crucial role in the development of many civil and criminal cases. In fact, the outcome of a case may hinge on the ability of an expert witness to support or refute its core argument with a reasoned, factual opinion that is supported by years of experience in a specific field. Due to the nature of American criminal and tort law, expert witnesses are often physicians, financial experts, chemists, and physicists. However, they can hail from virtually any specialized profession that requires advanced training or non-intuitive knowledge.
Unfortunately, the expert witness training process is not an easy one. By definition, expert witnesses are extremely knowledgeable about specific subjects, and their areas of expertise might not be familiar to rank-and-file judges, jurors, or attorneys.
The Perfect Witness offers a simple, effective, and efficient online witness training tool that can overcome these issues and train expert witnesses to be as powerful, persuasive, and engaging as possible. Since courtroom depositions have little in common with casual conversations, our video trains expert witnesses to employ conversational pauses and gestures that might not occur to them naturally. It also reinforces the need to explain concepts clearly and slowly.
Although the rules of evidence permit expert witnesses to offer reasoned opinions during testimony, these opinions must be based on concepts that have been accepted as fact by the witness’s peers. With deposition training that teaches expert witnesses to remain truthful, refrain from guessing, and understand the questions that have been asked of them, The Perfect Witness reduces the likelihood that expert witnesses will overstep their professional bounds.
If you need to prepare an expert witness for an upcoming deposition but cannot take the time to review basic deposition protocols with him or her, The Perfect Witness can help. Sign up for your free profile today and look forward to a simpler, more efficient, and more effective trial preparation process.